If you are in a Manufacturing, Distribution, Logistics, HealthCare or Finance industry, sometime you do get requests to add a new EDI document to the existing ones or make enhancements to the existing EDI specifications, these are some of the common scenarios that do happen often in the ecommerce industry. Profesional Workforce Limited can do EDI Mapping at a reasonable price, please do call or email us.

Types of Mapping

Professional Workforce Limited can serve you better in SAP IDOCS, ODBC, Flat File or Application File Mapping

> Professional Workforce Limited will  do extensively the GAP analysis between the application layout 
  and the EDI layout
> Build EDI Specifications or Implementation Guidelines for your need
> Our expertise can help you and build the EDI Map either using GXS AI or Sterling Gentran or Inovis Trustedlink
> Professional Workforce Limited has the expertise to build ANSI X12 4010 or 4030 or 5010 or any version of 
  ANSI or EDIFACT Standards
> Following are some of the ANSI X12 documents that Professional Workforce Limited has implemented recently
> Purchasing- PO 850, Acknowledgements 855 or PO Changes 860, 855 or 856, Daily Schedules 862 or Weekly Schedules 830
> Shipments- 856 ASN, 861 Receiving Advices, 824 Application Advice
> Logistics- 204 Pick up Orders, 210 or 110 Road or Air Invoice, 214 Shipments Status, 315 Ocean Shipment Status etc
> Financial-810-Invoice, 820 Remittances, 832 Price Catalogs, 823 LockBox

If you have a requirement to build the EDI Implementation Guidelines please do call and Professional Workforce Limited is happy to assist you in building the EDI Implentation or Companion Guidelines.

Please call Professional Workforce Limited at 1647-248-2092 or email us at and Professional Workforce Limited is happy to assist you, our rates are reasonable in the market and provide highly quality services.