Sterling Integrator AS2 Communications
Course Objectives
After completing this course you should be able to:
Describe when and how to use the Sterling Integrator AS2 Edition.
Define a private key and a public key.
Define the types of digital certificates.
Create a self-signed, certificate authority, and trusted certificate.
Check certificates in and out of Sterling Integrator and the Sterling Integrator AS2 Edition.
Create organizations and trading partners.
Send EDI data using AS2.
Track and manage the documents exchanged using the Sterling Integrator AS2 Edition.
Store messages in a file system and the Sterling Integrator Mailbox storage system.
Course Overview
Lesson 1 Overview of the AS2 Edition
Lesson 2 Digital Certificates
Lesson 3 Configuring Trading Partner Information
Lesson 4 Tracking and Managing Document Exchange
Lesson 5 The Mailbox Storage System
Lesson 6 Advanced File Transfer Visibility