Sterling Integrator AS2 Communications

Course Objectives

After completing this course you should be able to:

	Describe when and how to use the Sterling Integrator AS2 Edition.
	Define a private key and a public key.
	Define the types of digital certificates.
	Create a self-signed, certificate authority, and trusted certificate.
	Check certificates in and out of Sterling Integrator and the Sterling Integrator AS2 Edition.
	Create organizations and trading partners.
	Send EDI data using AS2.
	Track and manage the documents exchanged using the Sterling Integrator AS2 Edition.
	Store messages in a file system and the Sterling Integrator Mailbox storage system.

Course Overview

Lesson 1 Overview of the AS2 Edition
Lesson 2 Digital Certificates
Lesson 3 Configuring Trading Partner Information
Lesson 4 Tracking and Managing Document Exchange
Lesson 5 The Mailbox Storage System
Lesson 6 Advanced File Transfer Visibility